
الرياض تتصدر السوق العقاري السعودي. Riyadh leads the Saudi real estate market.

Riyadh leads the Saudi real estate market

Real estate is the second largest economic sector in Saudi Arabia after the oil sector. The real estate sector is currently witnessing the implementation of many development plans. Including the Saudi government’s plans to create 300,000 housing units between 2022 and 2025. According to forecasts, the size of the real estate market in Saudi Arabia is expected to witness significant growth. Its value...

تملك في الرياض: دليل شامل للمبتدئين في عملية شراء الفلل والشقق. Owning in Riyadh: A comprehensive guide for beginners in the process of purchasing villas and apartments

Owning in Riyadh: A comprehensive guide for beginners in the process of buying villas and apartments

If you are thinking about buying a home in Riyadh, you are in the right place. Investing in real estate in Riyadh is wise due to rapid urban development and ongoing infrastructure expansion. However, the purchasing process can be a stressful task, especially for beginners. Therefore, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know before starting the process of...

كيف تتميز عقاراتك في سوق الرياض؟ التسويق العقاري الفعال . How do your properties stand out in the Riyadh market? Effective real estate marketing.

How do your properties stand out in the Riyadh market? Effective real estate marketing

As real estate activity rises in Riyadh, developers and property owners encounter challenges in attracting customers and marketing properties effectively. Real estate marketing has evolved, demanding advanced strategies to distinguish oneself in Riyadh's competitive market. In this article, we'll explore top practices and strategies to elevate your properties in Riyadh's market, ensuring desired...

كيف تساعد الاستشارات الهندسية في تحسين الجودة وتقليل التكاليف؟. How does engineering consulting help improve quality and reduce costs?

How does engineering consulting help improve quality and reduce costs?

In the world of engineering and construction, engineering consulting is one of the crucial factors to ensure the success of projects and the efficient achievement of their objectives. The role of engineering consultancy extends beyond simply providing technical services, as it plays a vital role in improving quality and reducing costs. Engineering consulting ranges from requirements analysis and design to...

إعداد وتنفيذ برامج صيانة فعالة للعقارات: نصائح وإرشادات للتخطيط والتنفيذ. Preparing and implementing effective property maintenance programs: tips and guidelines for planning and implementation

Preparing and implementing effective property maintenance programs: tips and guidelines for planning and implementation

Property maintenance is a vital part of property management, as it contributes to maintaining its value and attractiveness, and ensuring the comfort of tenants or owners. As maintenance becomes increasingly important, developing an effective maintenance program is crucial to ensuring sustainable performance and low costs for your properties. In this article, we will review important tips and instructions...

تأثير الأحداث العالمية على سوق العقارات السعودي. The impact of global events on the Saudi real estate market

The impact of global events on the Saudi real estate market

The real estate market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered among the vital and developed markets in the Middle East region, and is greatly affected by global events and developments. Global economic, political and social factors play a crucial role in shaping this market and determining its trends. In this article, we will explore the impact of global events on the Saudi real estate market....

الابتكار في البناء والتشييد: تحقيق الريادة من خلال التميز في الخدمة. Innovation in building and construction: achieving leadership through service excellence

Innovation in building and construction: achieving leadership through service excellence

Innovation plays a crucial role in achieving leadership and excellence in service provision. The industry requires rapid response to new technologies and increasing challenges, and highlighting innovation enhances the ability to achieve success and continuity in a highly competitive market. In this article, we will explore the key foundations of innovation in the construction industry, and highlight how...

معايير المراقبة والتقييم لضمان جودة الخدمات في صيانة و تشغيل العقارات. Monitoring and evaluation standards to ensure the quality of services in the maintenance and operation of real estate

Monitoring and evaluation standards to ensure the quality of services in the maintenance and operation of real estate

The maintenance and operation management of properties is a vital part of the real estate management process. It aims to maintain the quality of properties and provide a comfortable and safe environment for residents and tenants. Establishing precise monitoring and evaluation standards is crucial to ensure service quality in this context. The importance of monitoring and evaluating the quality of...

الاستدامة في إدارة العقارات: رؤية وإجراءات لتحقيق الاستدامة في المباني. Sustainability in real estate management: vision and procedures for achieving sustainability in buildings

Sustainability in real estate management: vision and procedures for achieving sustainability in buildings

In our current era of ever-increasing interest in the environment and sustainable development, the concepts of sustainability and preservation of natural resources have become indispensable, especially in the real estate sector. Sustainability in real estate management is of great importance, as companies and institutions seek to apply sustainability principles in the construction and operation of...

أهم 8 أسباب للانتقال إلي مدينة الرياض؟. The most important 8 reasons to move to Riyadh?

The most important 8 reasons to move to Riyadh?

Are you thinking about looking for a new station in your life? Or are you planning to move to a new city because of a new job offer? Are you thinking about starting a new adventure and settling in Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? we are delighted to share a comprehensive article on adapting to life in the Saudi capital after relocating. Whether this experience is for practical purposes, study, or...

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