Kingdom Vision 2030

الاستثمار العقاري في المملكة: فهم أنواع العقارات واختيار الاستراتيجية المناسبة.Real estate investment in the Kingdom: understanding the types of real estate and choosing the appropriate strategy

Real estate investment in the Kingdom: understanding the types of real estate and choosing the appropriate strategy

Real estate investment is considered one of the most important sectors that is witnessing continuous growth and enjoys great demand from local and international investors alike. But before engaging in this type of investment, the investor must be fully aware of the types of real estate available and choose the appropriate strategy that meets his financial goals and needs. In this article, we will take a...

التطورات القانونية والضريبية في السعودية وتأثيرها على سوق العقارات. Legal and tax developments in Saudi Arabia and their impact on the real estate market

Legal and tax developments in Saudi Arabia and their impact on the real estate market

In light of the legal and tax changes taking place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the real estate market is witnessing important transformations and developments that directly affect the sector’s conditions and investments. These changes are considered an essential part of the Kingdom's Vision 2030, which aims to achieve sustainable development and diversify the economy. In this article, we will...

فن التثمين العقاري: دلالاته وأثره في السوق العقاري السعودي. The art of real estate valuation: its implications and impact on the Saudi real estate market

The art of real estate valuation: its implications and impact on the Saudi real estate market

In light of the rapid economic development and rapid urban growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, real estate has become among the most important investment sectors that are witnessing great interest. In order to understand the true value of real estate and analyze investment opportunities accurately, real estate valuation also plays a vital role in determining the fair value of real estate and estimating...

تطورات سوق العقارات السعودي: تحليلات جديدة للمشترين والبائعين.Saudi real estate market developments: new analyzes for buyers and sellers.

Saudi Futures Market Contracts: New Analysis for Buyers

For many years, the Saudi real estate market has been witnessing remarkable developments and fundamental changes, reflecting economic growth and social transformations in the Kingdom. With the ambitious national transformation path and structural reforms aimed at diversifying the economy and strengthening the real estate sector, the market is witnessing new transformations and challenges. In this article,...

الدليل الشامل للإستثمار في تأجير العقارات. A comprehensive guide to investing in rental real estate

A comprehensive guide to investing in real estate leasing

What is meant by real estate marketing and leasing? Marketing and real estate leasing are among the most important elements of the success of real estate projects. Real estate is considered a commodity of durable value that can be relied upon in the long term, and it includes many opportunities for marketing and real estate leasing. The field of real estate marketing and leasing includes many tasks,...

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