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تطورات سوق العقارات السعودي: تحليلات جديدة للمشترين والبائعين.Saudi real estate market developments: new analyzes for buyers and sellers.

Saudi Futures Market Contracts: New Analysis for Buyers

For many years, the Saudi real estate market has been witnessing remarkable developments and fundamental changes, reflecting economic growth and social transformations in the Kingdom. With the ambitious national transformation path and structural reforms aimed at diversifying the economy and strengthening the real estate sector, the market is witnessing new transformations and challenges. In this article,...

العوامل المؤثرة والآليات المستخدمة في تقدير قيمة الوحدة الإيجارية. Influencing factors and mechanisms used in estimating the value of the rental unit.

Influencing factors and mechanisms used in estimating the value of the rental unit

Estimating the value of a rental unit is a basic process in real estate management that aims to determine a fair rental price based on a variety of factors. Understanding these factors and mechanisms aids investors and owners in making informed decisions in real estate. In this article, we will explore the main influencing factors in estimating the value of a rental unit and the mechanisms used to achieve...

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